Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blog 20 - Interview Four Prep

What my interviewee probably looks like on the other end of the line.

  1. Who do you plan to interview?  What is this person's area of expertise?
    1. I am going to interview Dr. Jesse Pines. He is an Emergency Medical Physician at George Washington University Medical School.
  2. Post 20 open-ended questions you want to ask an expert in the field concerning your senior project. Your focus should be finding answers to your EQ.
    1. What first interested you in the topic of overcrowding?
    2. What do you believe are the greatest factors causing overcrowding?
    3. Which do you believe plays a bigger role, patient misuse of the ED or hospital crowding?
    4. Who or what do you believe has the most influence over hospital policies regarding overcrowding?
    5. What do you think will have to change in order for this problem to improve?
    6. How do you feel about legislation to enforce solutions to this problem? Do think it may need to get to this point?
      1. If so, what kind of legislation?
      2. Do you think that having the 4-hour rule compromises safety too much?
    7. Do you think that mandating health insurance will affect ED visits?
    8. Should access to urgent care also be lumped with primary care access?
    9. Are there any plans you have put into action to improve overcrowding where you work?
      1. Yes: What were they? How easily were they adopted? What effects did they have?
      2. No: Why not?
    10. If you had to pick just one answer to the question, “What is the best way to minimize Emergency Department overcrowding?”, what would it be?
    11. How would you rank the options: gatekeeping/nurse hotlines, improving primary care access, and inpatient hallway boarding?
    12. Do you think there is a problem with referring people to lower levels of care(UC, PC) after triaging?
      1. Is it correct to assume that anything could be an "emergency medical condition" because of EMTALA?
    13. Explain what UCR medical school is doing for several students… How effective do you think this would be?
    14. Are there any other significant issues facing emergency departments nationwide?
    15. What do you think the Emergency Department will look like in terms of patient volume, providing locations, and overcrowding in 5 years? 10 years?
    16. Do you have any articles or journals you suggest I check out?
    17. Any last pieces of advice for someone looking to go to medical school down the road?

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